Biz Edge Guest Manager

Biz Edge Guest Manager is a state-of-art property management system that enables hotels to run business operations more efficiently and effectively. Designed and developed with latest technology meeting international hospitality standards.

It helps Hotel solve difficult task of capturing guest information at a glance and also designed for the purpose of maintaining details of various guest bills, Ledger, debit/credit, Sales Detail, Deposits, Refunds and other transactions of the hotel. Also, it generates audit report which tells the financial position of the hotel at a particular period. It Graphical User Interface ensure learning and adapting the solution is effortless. Whether you are an individual boutique hotel or a multi chain property, Biz Edge Guest Manager is perfectly equipped to meet your specific requirement.


Guest Manager Features

Reservation Management

  • Search Reservation
  • Guest and Company Profile Management
  • Best Rate Management
  • Cancellation / No-Show
  • Release Reservation Policy
  • Booking Confirmation
  • Reservation with Minimum Inputs
  • Instant Multiple Bookings
  • Room or Room Type Booking

Room Allotments

  • Room Allocation as per Preference
  • Best Occupancy Level Allocation


  • Configure Charges
  • Generate Electronic Card Key
  • Guest Email and SMS Notifications
  • Internal Notification
  • Early Check-In Charges
  • Live Inventory Update via OTAs
  • Black Listed Guest Alerts
  • Day-Use Charge


  • Late Check-Out Fee
  • Guest Automatic Billing
  • Payment Modes (Cash, POS and Cheque)
  • Folio Transfer

Group Management

  • Group Bookings / Reservations
  • Group Check-Out

 Profile Management

Understand your relationships better
  • Guest Profile
  • Company Profile
  • Business Source Profile
  • Travel Agent Profile

Rate Management

  • Flexible rate management for higher revenue
  • Revenue Management
  • Increase your occupancy with optimum yields

Special Rates for Business Source and Travel Agent

Define special rates for your business partners such as car rentals, local travel agent, travel websites (OTA) and any other company with business relations. Once you have set up individual rates, it will automatically reflect in your bookings by tying it correctly to the source account. This makes it easy for you to keep track transactions taking place with all your business sources and OTAs.

 Rates Inclusive/Exclusive Tax

Not every service in hotel is taxed and keeping that in mind, we have created a easy to use tool which lets you define which rates are taxable and which are not. In the rate screen, you will be able to easily distinguish between rates inclusive of taxes and rates exclusive of taxes. In addition, you can always change the parameter as per the changing requirement.

 Seasonal Rates

During high seasons, you want to reach the maximum occupancy and yield and for that you need to have the most appropriate rates structure. Biz Edge Guest Manager lets you configure season and define rates in the system which will be active for a specific period of time. This configuration updates the rates instantly in the system as soon as the season kicks in. This period can be set as per your discretion and can be modified at any given time by changing the dates, giving you complete control over the seasonal rates.

Back Office Operations

  • User Roles and Access Rights Management
  • Night Audit
  • Shift and Cash Management
  • Receivables/Payables

In House Operations

The features and tools for conducting in-house operations have been developed by working closely with the industry experts and keeping in mind the complexity of operations. These features will help you speed-up your housekeeping services with ease.


The system calculates and applies the taxes to the guest folio as per the pre-configured setting. You can set up to 3 different types of taxes depending on the requirement as per your hotel’s geographical location. To give you even more control over tax charges, you can either waive of taxes from the final bill amount at the time of check-out. For example, waiving taxes for senior citizens can be done with a single click. Tax Charge Type:  Exclusive/Inclusive Charges

 Room Charges

  • Extra Charges
  • Transfer from POS
  •  Transfer from Telephone System (PABX)
  • Transfer from Internet Billing System
  • Charges from Pay-out Voucher Charges

Guest Folio

Biz Edge Guest Manager provides you with the widest range of folio related operational features, giving you the flexibility you require to process diverse set of operations. In addition, you can create vouchers from the system for accounts receivable, payable and other charges.
  •  Move to Extra Folio
  • Split Folio
  • Folio Transfer
  • Group/Event Folios
  • Multi-Currency Support

Online Distribution

The Guest Manager, seamless integration with online booking engine and channel manager will be the solid foundation on which your online distribution will grow exponentially. As soon as you receive a booking from any travel website or your own hotel website, the system will update itself. The revised inventory will be updated automatically across the board.